Month: September 2024

  • Transform your menstrual cycle with Vitamin A and Liver

    Transform you menstrual cycle with liver

    At A Better World to Bleed In, we’re all about empowerment through education and self-awareness. Let’s discuss a nutrient that can transform your menstrual health: Vitamin A. Nourish to Flourish Let’s face it—there’s no magic pill for hormone health, but nutrient deficiencies certainly won’t help. Picture yourself as a divine fertility goddess being nourished with […]

  • The power of Vitamin D for cycle health: Egg quality & ovulation

    Vitamin D for menstrual health

    What is 25-Hydroxyvitamin D? 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, often referred to as 25(OH)D, is a critical component in our menstrual cycle health, and deficiency can have some very negative effects on our cycles that you may not be aware of. Interestingly, it’s not just a vitamin but a steroid hormone. What makes vitamin D unique among nutrients […]

  • Mapping The Inner Seasons of Your Cycle

    Menstrual Cycle Awareness (MCA) I first learnt the idea of The Inner Seasons of the menstrual cycle from Maisie Hill, but it was originally Alexandra Pope (founder of The Red School) who conceptualised this ancient knowing. To summarise it, the four distinct seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter can be looked to as a […]

  • Magnesium For Menstrual Cycles

    seaweed is high in magnesium content

    Understanding Magnesium: The Unsung Hero of Menstrual Health Today, I want to dive deep into the importance of magnesium for our menstrual cycles. You’ve probably seen magnesium supplements at health food stores and heard that it’s beneficial. But why is it so important, especially for menstrual cycle health? Let’s explore the nitty-gritty of magnesium and […]